Tag Archives: Work at home parent

Finding That Quiet Place

6 Sep
Bird, Vogel, Gans, Goose,Gänse, fressen, tauch...

Image via Wikipedia


I love to take a walk early in the mornings just so I can hear the birds sing,  hear the leaves rustling in the wind, watch the butterflies float by and just enjoy the sound of quietness.  

 We often get caught up with  life, especially us SAHM and  WAHM, that  we hardly have time our ourselves much less for quiet time. For those of us that work outside the home, most of the time is spent in a building.  Very few of us have the privilege of working outside and even so the chances are you get so wrapped up in your work that everything else get blocked out.  

With all the chaos surrounding us, we need to find a place of quietness where we can reconnect with nature and turn inward to reflect on life. For me I enjoy taking our girls to the lake nearby our home where we watch the swan and geese swim by. Sometimes we feed them and other times just watch them as they wander around.   

A quiet place doesn’t have to be a physical place it can be spiritual one too. Many people find inward quietness through mediation and prayer. Taking time to be quiet rejuvenates the mind and spirit,  helps us reconnect with nature, ourselves and gives us the tranquility to deal with life chaos and stressful situations.